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Një muaj nga agresioni rus në Ukrainë përmes fotografive

Një muaj më parë, më 24 shkurt pas orës 4:45 të mëngjesit me orën e Kievit, nisi agresioni i Rusisë mbi Ukrainën, kur presidenti rus Vladimir Putin doli në televizion për të njoftuar atë që ai e quajti një “operacion special”. Fjalimi i tij u pasua menjëherë nga sulmet me raketa në qytetet kryesore të Ukrainës, duke përfshirë Kievin, dhe sulme me shumë drejtime drejt Kievit, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kherson dhe Mariupol.

Që atëherë, sipas Pentagonit, forcat ruse kanë lëshuar më shumë se 1100 raketa në territorin ukrainas.

Rusia ka bombarduar qytetet e Ukrainës, të mëdha dhe të vogla, duke detyruar mbi 10 milionë ukrainas të largohen nga shtëpitë e tyre, me 6.5 milionë të zhvendosur brenda vendit dhe 3.6 milionë të shkojnë jashtë vendit, sipas Kombeve të Bashkuara, shkruan KyivIndependent.

Forcat ruse kanë rrethuar disa qytete ukrainase, kanë sulmuar korridoret humanitare të miratuara për evakuim dhe kanë kryer mizori të shumta ndaj civilëve, të cilat kanë tronditur kombin ukrainas.

Të paktën 977 civilë u vranë dhe 1,594 u plagosën, sipas OKB-së, por shifrat aktuale besohet të jenë dukshëm më të larta. Sipas autoriteteve lokale në Mariupol, një qytet port i rrethuar në Ukrainën juglindore, vetëm në qytet u vranë mbi 2000 banorë. Lufta e Rusisë mori jetën e të paktën 128 fëmijëve dhe plagosi të paktën 172 fëmijë të tjerë, sipas Zyrës së Prokurorit të Përgjithshëm.

Infrastruktura civile është dëmtuar në të gjithë vendin. Rreth 4,431 ndërtesa banimi, 548 shkolla dhe 135 institucione të kujdesit shëndetësor u shkatërruan pjesërisht ose plotësisht, sipas Grupit Këshillues Ligjor të Ukrainës.

The body of a rocket stuck in a flat after recent shelling on the northern outskirts of Kharkiv on Feb. 24, 2022. (AFP/ Getty Images)
Residents of Severodonetsk, Luhansk Oblast, hide in a basement during the heavy shelling by Russian forces on Feb. 28, 2022. (AFP/Getty Images)
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) meets with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (2L) and Chief of Russia’s General Staff Valery Gerasimov in Moscow on Feb. 27, 2022. (AFP/Getty Images)
People remove personal belongings from a burning house after being shelled in the city of Irpin, outside Kyiv, on March 4, 2022. (AFP/Getty Images)
Ukrainians fleeing the war to Poland get for the train at Lviv train station on Feb. 28, 2022. (Kostyantyn Chernichkin)
Around 100,000 protesters crowd around the victory column and close to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to demonstrate against Russia’s war in Ukraine on Feb. 27, 2022.(AFP/Getty Images)
People cross a destroyed bridge as they evacuate from the city of Irpin, northwest of Kyiv, during heavy shelling and bombing on March 5, 2022. (AFP/ Getty Images)
U.S. President Joe Biden takes questions as he addresses the Russian invasion of Ukraine at the White House on Feb. 24, 2022, in Washington, DC. (AFP/Getty Images)
A Ukrainian soldier holds a Next Generation Light Anti-tank Weapon (NLAW) that was used to destroy a Russian armored personal carrier (APC) in Irpin, northwest of Kyiv, on March 12, 2022. (AFP/Getty Images)
A staff member and the parents of a newborn baby hide in the bomb shelter of a maternity hospital on March 2, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine. (Getty Images)
Ukrainian servicemen patrol in the streets as security measures tightened due to the ongoing Russian attacks in the Black Sea port city of Odesa on March 14, 2022. Volunteers have placed sandbags around one of Odesa’s landmarks, the monument to Duke of Richelieu, to protect it from potential Russian bombardment. (Getty Images)
Service members of Ukrainian Territorial Defense, Valery (3rdL) and Lesya (2ndL), get married not far from a checkpoint on the outskirts of Kyiv on March 6, 2022. (AFP/ Getty Images)
President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks during a press conference in Kyiv on March 3, 2022. (AFP via Getty Images)
Ukrainian emergency workers carry an injured pregnant woman from a maternity hospital that was damaged by Russian shelling in Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast on March 9, 2022. The mother and her unborn baby died. (Evgeniy Maloletka)
Residents of Kherson block Russian military vehicles as Russian troops attempt to occupy the city. Kherson has been under the Russian control since March 5, 2022.
A woman learns how to use an AK-47 assault rifle during a civilian self-defense course in the outskirts of Lviv on March 4, 2022. (AFP/Getty Images)
A mass grave in Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast, on March 9, 2022. According to local authorities, over 2,000 residents have been killed in the city since Feb. 24, 2022. (Mstyslav Chernov)
A wounded woman is seen following an airstrike that damaged a residential building outside of Kharkiv on Feb. 24, 2022. (Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Ukrainian soldiers search for bodies in the debris at the military school hit by Russian rockets the day before, in Mykolaiv on March 19, 2022. Ukrainian media reported that the attack had killed at least 40 Ukrainian soldiers at their brigade headquarters. (AFP/Getty Images)
An evacuated resident is comforted by Svitlana Vodolaga, spokeswoman for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (R) outside a burning apartment building in Kyiv on March 15, 2022, following attacks on residential areas that had killed at least two people. (AFP/Getty Images)
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